电影夜场女讲述了三个在夜总会上班的女孩与美女编剧室友之间发生的故事。爱蕊、静子、雨薇三人因在夜总会上班认识,他们与编剧那小花成了室友。小花从一开始讨厌几个坐台妹到后来与他们之间成为好姐妹,让她体会到坐台小姐背后的辛酸与行业的潜规则。那小花的表妹可欣来北京艺考失败后选择做了夜总会常客温哥手下的情人,不料最后竹篮打水一场空,此故事根据真实事件改变。 英文剧情 Movie Night tells the story of three women working in nightclubs and beautiful girl story between screenwriter roommate. Ai Rui, stators, Yuwei trio, knowledge work in nightclubs, they became roommates with screenwriter that flowers. Flowers from a few Zuotai sister began to hate between them to later become a good sister, let her feel the POP Counter lady behind the bitterness and the industry"s unspoken rules. That cousin Kexin flowers to Beijing Arts test selection made after the failure of Vancouver nightclub regulars men"s lover, only to finally 竹篮打水一场空, this story is based on real events changed. 2013-11-30 18:22:43