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Arun (Siddharth) and Parvathi (Amala Paul) give an interview about their love story. But they fight before the interview gets over. Then the movie fast forwards 5 months earlier. Arun meets Parvathi in a college canteen. Soon they become friends. Parvathi\'s mother, Saroja breaks up with her husband Akilan. Parvathi lives with her mother. As the time progresses they broke up but the reason is not revealed. Arun\'s friend Vignesh tries to propose his junior Rashmi. But Rashmi address\'s Vignesh as brother. Arun tries to recover from the break-up. Arun\'s friend calls him to a trip to Pondicherry to see his friend John. John\'s would be Cathy starts friendly chat with Arun. Cathy wishes to help Arun and asks him why they broke up. Arun says to Cathy that he doesn\'t have any reason and that is his problem. Since Cathy becomes friendly with Arun misunderstanding crops up between Cathy and John. Meanwhile Akilan approaches Prabhu for divorce. Whether the four pairs break up permanently or join forms rest of the story !

本站提供搞砸爱情指南电影完整版在线观看免费和手机mp4下载地址,可支持搞砸爱情指南百度云盘网盘、西瓜影音、吉吉影音等高清播放器。 2015-12-15 10:10:23